
Professional Advice for Maintaining an Electric Bike

Sam Townsend from Myron's Extreme Machines in Fullerton California shared tips for how to maintain an electric bike. Some of…

9 years ago

How to Troubleshoot and Fix an Electric Bike If your electric bike isn't working there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and (more…)

9 years ago

Daymak ebike repair*bad controller cheap phase wires*

Daymak ebike repair*bad controller cheap phase wires*

9 years ago

Aluminum drop-out repair for eBike

Axle spin-out on Trek aluminium drop-outs needed good repair and prep for replacing a MAC 8T hub motor using two…

9 years ago

MAC eBike motor axle spinout repair

A few tips to prevent an axle spinout and after the fact, repair with better torque arm installation, cutting new…

9 years ago

Ebike and Scooter Maintenance

I get lots of customers asking what they can do on their own to maintain their bike. Here are 8…

9 years ago


one bad shorted fet. fully tested! 12AMP 15AMP 20AMP.

11 years ago

DAYMAK ebike*repair bad controller wiring*

ebike had no power do to bad wiring. also the controller was bad shorted fets. do to shorted phase wires.

11 years ago